





両方とも前のリビジョン 前のリビジョン
as:2024autumn [2024/08/26 23:17]
as:2024autumn [2025/01/11 19:30] (現在)
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 +The Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Environment Division (NUCE) will hold a session entitled **“Current Status and Future Prospects of the Horonobe International Project”** at the “2024 Autumn Meeting” of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan as follows. We look forward to your participation.
 +  * Date: Wednesday, 11 September 2024, 13:00-14:30
 +  * Venue: Room K (B200, 2F, Lecture Bldg. B)
 +The Horonobe International Project (HIP) was started in 2023 with the participation of 11 organisations from 8 countries/regions. The HIP offers the Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory (URL) as a platform for international collaboration. The main objectives of the HIP are to develop and demonstrate advanced technologies to be used in repository design, operation and closure and a realistic safety assessment in deep geological disposal, and to encourage and train the next generation of engineers and researchers. In this session, JAEA will present the objectives of the HIP and the plans and current status of each task as an operating agent. Then, Japanese participating organizations, NUMO, CRIEPI, and RWMC, will present their opinions to the HIP, then comprehensive discussion will be held on expectations for the HIP in the future.
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 +Chair: Akira Kirishima (Tohoku University)
 +  - Importance of the International Joint Project in Horonobe Underground Research Project\\ Kazuhei Aoyagi (JAEA)
 +  - Task A : Solute Transport Experiment with Model Testing\\ Yusuke Ozaki (JAEA)
 +  - Task B : Systematic Integration of Repositry Technology Options\\ Akira Hayano (JAEA)
 +  - Task C : Full-scale Engineering Barrier System (EBS) Dismantling Experiment\\ Hirokazu Ohno (JAEA)
 +  - Discussion\\ Takeshi Ebashi (NUMO), Minoru Emori (RWMC), Kotaro Nakata (CRIEPI)
Permalink as/2024autumn.1724681850.txt.gz · 最終更新: 2024/08/26 23:17 by ss12955jp
